6 Reasons Why You Need KPIs To Achieve Sustainable Cost Reduction
Almost every company is currently looking for cost reduction measures. And this isn’t surprising. COVID-19, like no other crisis before, forces many companies to reduce costs or completely rethink their business models.
6 Reasons Why Your Airline Needs KPIs To Reduce Operational Costs
Every airline is currently looking for possibilities to reduce costs. And this isn’t surprising. COVID-19, like no other crisis before, forces airlines to rethink their entire business models.
How Our KPI Solution Helped An Airline To Reduce IT Costs Substantially.
Reducing IT costs is a top priority for many airlines at the moment. Primarily due to Coronacrisis, many airlines face enormous pressure to cut and reduce costs. Besides reducing staff and expenditure freezes, IT spendings usually reflect a potential cost item that is assessed thoroughly.
5 Reasons Why Airlines Have To Focus On Cloud-Computing Immediately!
Cloud computing will be a dominating topic for airlines in the upcoming months. Why’s that? Because Corona showed that times of on-premise solutions are finally over. I’d even say that airlines that focused on the cloud earlier navigated through the Coronacrisis much swifter — at least from an IT perspective.
How small airlines generate savings of €365,000 annually with real-time operations dashboards.
One of the most asked questions we receive is built around the topic of savings that can be achieved by using airline real-time operations dashboards. In our latest blog post, we already discussed the financial effort of setting up and operating an airline operations real-time dashboard.