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Airline Statistic: How Many Daily Flights Do Airlines Operate?

One of the most asked questions we receive is the number of daily flights a specific airline operates. So that's why we want to provide some airline statistics and answer the question, "How many daily flights do airlines operate."

How Many Daily Flights Do Airlines Operate?

Of course, there’s no one universal answer to the question “How many daily flights do airlines operate.” Airlines operate a different amount of flights on different days a week. Moreover, the number of flights differ from month to month and especially between summer and winter season. Especially charter airlines that highly depend on holiday traffic sometimes operate twice as many flights during summer than in winter.

Therefore, the below-shown figures can provide a snapshot of the daily flight volume. However, the numbers give an indicator of the flight volume of airlines.

What We Checked?

We checked 50 different airlines from three continents: North America, Europe, and Asia for this blog post. Especially for North America and Asia, we focused on the big players, whereas in Europe, we also checked some medium airlines. To analyze the flight volume, we selected an exemplary day: 30th September 2021. Accordingly, the flight volume that is shown has been operated by the airlines on the 30th September 2021. To make it easier for you to find the particular answer concerning how many daily flights airlines operate, we clustered the airlines according to flight volumes. So let’s get into the details!

Due to COVID-19, the operations of many airlines are still heavily impacted. Subsequently, the shown flight figures shouldn’t be considered static. On the contrary, the figures are highly volatile and might differ from daily.

Airlines That Operate More Than 1,000 Daily Flights

We kick-off our airline list with airlines that operate more than 1,000 daily flights. With only twelve airlines, the number of airlines is relatively small. Moreover, and as you can quickly recognize, airlines from the United States account for the biggest portion on that list, followed by Chinese airlines. On the other side, with Ryanair and easyJet, only two European airlines are in this section.

IATAAirlineDaily Flights
AAAmerican Airlines5,841
DLDelta Airlines4,500
UAUnited Airlines4,143
WNSouthwest Airlines3,333
CZChina Southern Airlines2,377
MUChina Eastern Airlines2,189
CAAir China1,491
TKTurkish Airlines1,319
ASAlaska Airlines1,124
Airlines That Operate More Than 1,000 Daily Flights
How many daily flights do airline operate: American Airlines: World's airline with the highest daily flight volume
American Airlines: World’s airline with the highest daily flight volume

Airlines That Operate More Than 500 but Less Than 1,000 Daily Flights

We can find some of Europe’s biggest flag carriers in the list of airlines that operate between 500 and 1,000 daily flights, such as Lufthansa, Air France, British Airways, SAS, or KLM. Worth mentioning that Lufthansa and Air France operate by far more than 1,000 daily flights in pre-COVID time.

IATAAirlineDaily Flights
B6JetBlue Airways837
HUHainan Airlines671
AFAir France649
W6Wizz Air545
SKSAS – Scandinavian Airlines533
BABritish Airways509
Airlines That Operate More Than 500 but Less Than 1,000 Daily Flights
How many daily flights do airline operate: Although Lufthansa is Europe's biggest flag-carrier, other European airlines operate more flights
Although Lufthansa is Europe’s biggest flag-carrier, other European airlines operate more flights

Airlines That Operate More Than 100 but Less Than 500 Daily Flights

When looking at the list of airlines that perform between 100 and 500 daily flights, we have a mixed field of airlines from Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Moreover, the list contains some big brands, such as Emirates, Qatar Airways, or Ethiad.

IATAAirlineDaily Flights
PCPegasus Airlines493
SVSaudi Arabian Airlines471
QRQatar Airways457
S7S7 Airlines392
AIAir India277
LOLOT Polish Airlines254
OSAustrian Airlines242
TPTAP Air Portugal214
SNBrussels Airlines127
G9Air Arabia125
UXAir Europa121
A3Aegean Airlines113
Airlines That Operate More Than 100 but Less Than 500 Daily Flights

Airlines That Operate Less Than 100 Daily Flights

Finally, we also wanted to provide a list of airlines that —currently— operate less than 100 flights. Again, the list contains some airlines that currently operate only a small amount of their pre-COVID schedule. Especially Oman Air and Kuwait Airways are still heavily impacted. Therefore, the numbers are not representative.

IATAAirlineDaily Flights
EIAer Lingus88
GFGulf Air83
JUAir Serbia61
VSVirgin Atlantic53
KUKuwait Airways49
WYOman Air23
Airlines That Operate Less Than 100 Daily Flights

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