Flight Cancellations: How Delta & Other North American Airlines Perform!
Want to know which North American airline canceled the most flights? We’ve analyzed airlines from the United States and Canada — here’s the result: The top and flop airlines when it comes to flight cancellations!
U.S. Airlines: The Most Comprehensive Operations Benchmark
The U.S. airline industry is currently witnessing a strong rebound. However, with many flights, passengers, and baggage, the airlines’ operational quality gets back into the spotlight. Therefore, we took a look at the quality of the operations of U.S. airlines in 2020 and provided you with the most comprehensive benchmark.
Signs of Hope: United Airlines Flies Back to pre-Pandemic Levels
Beginning of May, United Airlines announced to add more than 400 daily flights in July as another essential step to leave the pandemic behind. We take a closer look at United’s pandemic recovery process.