Who we are

Unsere Mission bei Information Design ist es, Luftfahrtunternehmen darin zu unterstützen, ihre enorme Menge an Daten in wertvolle Informationen zu transformieren und sie so für die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zu rüsten. Diesem Anspruch werden wir mit unseren 40 Beschäftigten an unserem Standort in Frankfurt seit mehr als 20 Jahren gerecht. Um diese Erfolgsgeschichte fortzusetzen, müssen wir selbst immer am Puls der Zeit arbeiten und versuchen, die Zukunft der Luftfahrt durch wegweisende Entwicklungen mitzugestalten. Für dieses Vorhaben suchen wir motivierte Mitstreiter, die der Luftfahrt von morgen ihren Stempel aufdrücken wollen.


To outstanding university students, PhD or MBA students of all fields, our internship program offers an opportunity to get to know Bain & Company and gain some project experience.

The following options are available:

Internship as an Associate Consultant Intern: As a bachelor student (from the 4th semester onwards) or master student, you can spend 10 to 12 weeks as an Associate Consultant Intern. Internships for PhD students last 12 weeks. Applications are possible throughout the year.
Internship as a Summer Associate: Our Summer Associate Program, which comprises 10 to 12 weeks, is aimed at MBA students from renowned business schools. Please check with your university about specific application periods.
Gap Year Program: Students completing their bachelor’s degree can apply for our Gap Year Program with Bain, Audi, FC Bayern, P&G and Deutsche Telekom. The next round of applications for the gap year will start in autumn 2022.
Internship related to private equity: Students interested in private equity can state this as a preference in their cover letter.
During your internship, you’ll be a full-blown member of a project team from day one, independently working on a sub-project. Not only will you gain initial insights into the exciting world of strategy consulting – working alongside colleagues and clients, you’ll also benefit from a lively exchange across academic disciplines.

Half-way through your internship and towards the end, we‘ll give you detailed and constructive feedback on your performance. Outstanding interns will be accepted into our development program “Springboard”.

If the Bain experience whets your appetite for helping companies sustainably increase their value, a consultant career with excellent development prospects awaits you.

Come and talk with us