
We help airports to turn data into information, drive efficiency and accelerate processes.

The aviation industry is undergoing massive changes. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and growing global warming requirements will change the entire industry tremendously and sustainably. Therefore, our products and services are designed to help airlines to respond to those immense challenges and ultimately turn them into strength.

  • Digitalization: Although the aviation industry has explored comprehensive digital approaches, we strongly believe that this has been just the beginning of the story. Operational processes and supply chain communication —still— hold massive potential for further streamlining and efficiency improvements.
  • Data-Driven Efficiency: Big data, analytics, artificial intelligence — we believe that data strategies must be more than buzzwords. Contrary, we are convinced that building a solid data foundation is the single most important asset for all future endeavours and ultimately driving an airport’s efficiency.
  • Information Redefinition: The pandemic has changed the way employees consume information and the required information at the samte time. Future technological solutions must —more than ever— address these aspects: Real-time information, de-centralized accesibility, competitor benchmarks.


Julia Büchner

Executive Board

Frankfurt Germany

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Benchmark: How Leading Airports Handle Post-Pandemic Traffic Growth

Airports around the globe get ready for post-pandemic traffic growth. Since COVID’s impact is getting lower constantly, passengers are returning and are eager to travel again. Are airports ready? So we wanted to know the details and analyzed the operational performance of 12 leading airports from February to May 2021. Here’s the comprehensive airport benchmark!

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6 Crucial Airport Operations KPIs — Every Airport Must Monitor!

Airport operations management is an ultra-complex task, especially in large hubs with thousands of daily flights and challenging passenger connections. Therefore, monitoring the right set of KPIs is essential for high-quality airport operations. With this blog post, we introduce six of the most important airport operations KPIs every airport should track.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: What it Means for Airline KPIs?

After the first anniversary of COVID-19, we can say we are in one of the most anticipated phases of the process, the vaccination phase. Imagine the logistics pharmaceuticals, governments, and transportation companies have to arrange to guarantee the safe arrival of the doses to each of the countries worldwide. This is an example of how important it is that all parties align and work as a team.

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How we can help

We're experts in airline-related data integration and take care of building the solid fundament that drives your tech strategy.
Data Ingeration
We possess more than 15 years of experience in designing information and key performance indicators — based on the latest data warehouse concepts.
Information Management
We support airlines with building analytical eco-systems that enables data-driven operations.

Our areas of expertise

 Baggage Management
 Turn-Around Management
 Hub Management
 Connex Management
 Safety Management
Operations Control
Ground Operations

What can we help you achieve?

Want to know more about our products or want to discover how we can help turn your airline’s data into information?

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