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Introducing eSignature: aFuel’s new digital signing feature for eTickets in compliance with eIDAS

With the introduction of the eSignature feature, aFuel offers a whole new level of process conformity for all airline customers and into-plane agents partners. The feature seamlessly replaces the need for a hand-written signature while fully aligning with EU legislation.

aFuel has launched a new feature, eSignature, to its digital fueling platform. The feature, compliant with the European Union’s eIDAS (Electronic Identification and Trust Services) regulation, allows airlines to sign eTickets electronically and with a qualified electronic signature.

Instant useability for all airlines

The eIDAS regulation sets out a legal framework for electronic identification and trust services. The qualified electronic signature provided by aFuel’s eSignature feature is legally equivalent to a handwritten signature and provides the highest level of assurance for electronic signatures under the eIDAS regulation.

aFuel’s eSignature feature uses a qualified seal certificate to allow signatures in the name of the airline. This means that the airline can sign eTickets electronically and in a legally binding manner, without the need for physical signatures.

Excel your turnaround further

This new feature offers several benefits to airlines. Firstly, it streamlines the ticketing process, reducing the need for physical paperwork and allowing for faster processing times. Secondly, it offers significant cost savings for airlines by eliminating the need for printing and handling paper tickets. Finally, it enhances the security of the ticketing process by providing a legally binding electronic signature.

With aFuel’s eSignature feature, airlines can benefit from a fully digitalized fueling process from ticketing to fueling, improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The feature is now available for all current and future aFuel customer airlines.

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