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Wizz Air vs. easyJet: Operations Performance Benchmark

After the recent news about Wizz Air trying to take over easyJet, we wanted to take a closer look at both airlines' operational performance. So here's a comparison of Wizz Air's and easyJet's flight volume, punctuality, and schedule reliability.

Many articles have been written about Wizz Air and easyJet in recent days and weeks. And of course, most of the focus is on financial aspects and an overall assessment of the airlines. With today’s blog post, we want to add a different perspective. We looked at the airlines’ flight volume, on-time performance, and schedule reliability. Therefore, we analyzed the latest data from September to provide the most up-to-date figures. So let’s take a look at which of the two low-cost carriers is performing better — operational-wise.

For more details about Wizz Air and easyJet head over to our insightful airline analyses:
Wizz Air August Performance Report
easyJet August Performance Report

Wizz Air vs. easyJet: Flight Volume

Based on the number of flights, easyJet easily scores its first goal. In September 2021, easyJet will perform almost 12,000 flights more than Wizz Air. As a result, easyJet ranks third among EMEA’s biggest airlines by flight volume. Wizz Air, on the other, ranks “only” sixth. However, compared to August, both airlines slightly reduced their flight volume. Nevertheless, this is mainly due to the end of the busy summer months.

Therefore, the first round clearly goes to easyJet!
Wizz Air vs. easyJet: 0 — 1

easyJet — Flight Volume, September 2021
easyJet — Flight Volume, September 2021
Wizz Air — Flight Volume, September 2021
Wizz Air — Flight Volume, September 2021

Wizz Air vs. easyJet: Flight Punctuality

With our following comparison, we looked at the flight punctuality of both carriers. In September, easyJet operated more than 90% of its flights on time, whereas Wizz Air is 5pp behind. Punctuality or on-time performance counts all flights that arrive on time at their destination airport and puts them into relation to the overall operated number of flights. On-time in this context is defined as +15/-15 compared to the scheduled arrival time. We consider an on-time performance above 90% as good (green), from 80%-90% as ok (orange), and below 80% as weak (red).

Therefore, easyJet wins the second round!
Wizz Air vs. easyJet: 0 — 2

easyJet — On-Time Performance, September 2021
easyJet — On-Time Performance, September 2021
Wizz Air — On-Time Performance, September 2021
Wizz Air — On-Time Performance, September 2021

Wizz Air vs. easyJet: Schedule Reliability

Schedule reliability counts the number of actually performed flights concerning scheduled flights. In other words, the percentage of flights that an airline didn’t cancel. We consider schedule reliability above 95% as good, 90%-95% as ok, and below 90% as weak. In this context, both airlines delivered robust results. For example, in September, easyJet and Wizz Air canceled only 0.3% of their flights.

Therefore, the third round is a draw, and both airlines get the point!
Wizz Air vs. easyJet: 1 — 3

easyJet — Schedule Reliability, September 2021
easyJet — Schedule Reliability, September 2021
Wizz Air — Schedule Reliability, September 2021
Wizz Air — Schedule Reliability, September 2021


Based on the chosen operational aspects, easyJet wins this match. In terms of flight volume, the U.K.-based airline is —at least currently— significantly bigger than Wizz Air. Moreover, the British carrier delivers stronger punctuality of its flights at the moment.

Data Source

The shown ranking and contained data are based on the latest FlightFacts data. FlightFacts is a free-to-use mobile app that lets you discover the operational performance of airlines in real-time. For more information about FlightFacts, click here or visit our download page. FlightsFacts is available for Android and Apple mobiles.

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